マルモのおきて 1位は、芦田と鈴木と一緒に「マル・モリ!ダンス」を踊れる わが家も踊る!! [エンタメニュース]


マルモリ動画、再生回数140万回突破!http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20110618-00000033-sanspo-entレコード会社のHPで公開されているフジテレビ系ドラマ「マルモのおきて」(日曜後9・0)の主題歌「マル・マル・モリ・モリ!」のダンス動画の再生回数が累計140万回を突破したことが17日、分かった。動画は別人の出演で、人気子役、芦田愛菜(6)と鈴木福(7)による動画映像はドラマの最後と着ムービーでしか見られないため、同社に問い合わせが殺到。2人が踊るDVDを緊急リリースする動きが浮上した。マルモリコンテスト、金賞は一緒にダンスhttp://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20110618-00000043-sanspo-ent 「マル・マル・モリ・モリ!」を発売するユニバーサルミュージックはHPで「マル・モリ!ダンス」コンテストを実施。視聴者から「マル・モリ!」ダンスの動画投稿を募集している。金賞(1位)は芦田と鈴木と一緒に「マル・モリ!ダンス」を踊れる。27日まで受け付け。


マルモのおきて 思ってたほどでもない感じでした。


マルモのおきて の話題でしたがどうですか?






お勧め商品ですw ⇒    
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продвижение в топ поисковых систем

by Elmerfar (2021-04-18 06:50) 


https://torgovaya.xyz/krutyye-chasy Крутые часы

https://torgovaya.xyz/dhgate.com Самый лучший магазин лучших товаров
by Andrewsal (2021-04-19 06:41) 


Why my parents can’t take me seriously: So one time I was home alone and it was around dinnertime when I decided to make myself something to eat. I opened the freezer and dug around until I found what appeared to be chicken nuggets in an unopened plastic bag that for some reason, didn’t have any cooking instructions. Thinking that my parents must have thrown away the box for box tops, I called my mom to ask how long and at what temperature to cook chicken nuggets. She told me both of them, I laid out about 20 on a tray and stuck it in the oven, setting the timer before I walked out of the kitchen. When it was almost time to get my chicken nuggets, I walked into a cinnamon scented kitchen. I searched all over that kitchen, trying to find the cinnamon scent, leading me to the oven. I decide to turn on the oven light to see if maybe my mom had stuck some cookies in the oven and forgot to bake them, but instead, I find that the tray my chicken nuggets were on has cookies on it instead! As I’m trying to process what just happened, I hear the front door open and my mom shout delightedly, “Ooooo what’s that smell?” She walks into the kitchen and catches my confused expression. That’s when the spark ignited and she realized exactly what had happened. Somehow in some form, I had accidentally baked snickerdoodles. And that is why my parents can never take my cooking seriously<a href=https://ciando.verkauf.space>.</a>
by TerryOvats (2021-05-25 17:37) 


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Перейти для оплаты https://bit.ly/2RtQ9Hq
by Anthonyacise (2021-06-06 23:37) 



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